Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dating Sites Internet Dating Advice 3 Ways to Supercharge Your Photo

Life is good right now for the online dating industry. By the end of this year internet dating is projected to gross over one billion dollars in revenue.

So it seems kind of strange that so many people report having no luck when it comes to meeting someone in cyberspace. There could be a myriad of reasons for this but key make or break element that can determine success is the profile photo. Sure the words you write may be beautifully written and totally heartfelt but like the old saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words.

So to increase your chances of success here are some suggestions to help with your overall internet dating strategy.

1. Dress Up

No you don't have to put on clothes that make you look like you just stepped out of some glossy fashion magazine (although it would not hurt your chances any) but don't look to be so down to earth in your approach that you come off looking slovenly. The whole point is you are trying to make a good and lasting impression so dress accordingly.

2. No Brooding

Yes it's a given that you are trying to keep it real. You have never been a phony so putting up a photo showing you with a fake smile is not your style. Besides if your online dating prospects are the "real deal" they will like and respect what they see.

Maybe they will. More than likely they won't. Unless you are a rap artist trying to sell your latest CD or a direct descendant of James Dean, go ahead and post a photo of you smiling.

You are not in a bad mood all the time are you? If so then the last thing you should be getting into is online dating. Worried about it looking insincere? Then think of some things that make you happy just before the picture is taken. It's not necessary to have all thirty two teeth showing to make a nice impression. A pleasant genuine smile can work wonders.

3. Who's Da Haps?

Okay, you're looking good. You are dressed sharply without over doing it and the smile on your face is sincere without looking like an advertisement for the American Dental Society. Now take that photo with you in your element; surrounded by some good looking people of the opposite sex.

Hold it. This is one of those common mistakes that you see over and over again when it comes to online dating photos. It's not a problem if you are on social networking sites but for internet dating it sends out a couple of messages:

a. We got a player here

b. If they have got it like that why are they doing online dating?

They maybe just friends or an ex but whoever they are get rid of that picture and take a new one with only you. This is not a group personal ad. If you want to show a picture of you with your favorite pet then so be it. But the only human that should be in the picture is you.

Sure online dating should be easy. After all the abundance of people you have to choose from is unmatched by anything in the offline world. But like anything in this world, to succeed you must have the right approach. Improving your online photo is one way to do just that.

Article written by Daryl Campbell at The Relationship Tip - - Don't go any farther with online dating until you find out the 3 questions that can save you time and trouble.

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